Monday, January 17, 2011

A Beautiful Mind - Psychological Disorders

John Nash, the main character in the movie A Beautiful Mind suffers from severe Schizophrenic delusions and it becomes a very big problem not only to himself, but also the people around him. The 4 things that determine a psychological disorder are when behavior is maladaptive, disturbing, unjustafiable, and atypical. The behavior displayed by Nash in the movie is maladaptive because it doesent help him at all, while he is trying to be successful in college, his schizophrenic hallucinations hold him back. His behavior is also disturbing because it ends up hurting both himself and the people around him. John Nash's hallucinations are unjustifiable because they simply cant be explained by anyone until he finally agrees to see a doctor. Finally, the behavior exhibited by Nash is atypical because normal people without schizophrenia are able to funciton normally and not see  the types of hallucinations that Nash was able to see, due to his mental illness. John Nash's schizophrenia fits into all 4 categories that make a psychological disorder.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent Content

I have had a reoccurring dream several times in the past few weeks. Just a few details of this dream are seeing some creepy old lady is following me around preschool (I have no idea why) and is trying to talk to me. For some reason i keep running away from her, but the backpack i have is also extremely heavy and it gets harder for me to run away. Preschool in this dream could symbolize an important time in my life, and having to move onto the next step, which in a way makes sense because I will be going to college next year. The backpack in this dream could symbolize my secret hopes or desires that i carry with me. As for the old lady in my dream, i have not found an answer. I think the old lady could possibly symbolize the help that i receive from my parents, but i keep wanting to do things for myself and be more independent.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reactions to "Flipped" and Bullying

I personally have never seen the show "Flipped" before watching it in classs, but i thought it was really interesting how the subjects on the show really had no idea how hurtful their bullying was towards other people. After being put in their shoes they could barely survive that one day of school. I dont think that bullying is acceptable at all, but with the popularity of technology such as facebook and cell phones, i think that it has become alot more easy to bully, especially using technology. After seeing the show, and also talking about being a bystander, i feel more obligated to helping out those who are being bullied but with peer pressure i think that some people still wouldnt help out at all because they are afraid of what their peers would think of them if they did try to help someone who is being bullied.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

After watching the Twilight Zone episode, I do agree with the actual title itself. I thought the episode was predictable, but that is probably because i have seen the Twilight Zone before, and i kind of knew what to expect but i still thought the episode was entertaining, and had a good message. Beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder, and can also change over time. For example, what was beautiful in the 40s is nowhere near what is beautiful now because trends can come and go, and people find new ways to be beautiful.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Little Albert

1. The results of this experiment did support the hypothesis that Watson and Rayner. Their hypothesis said that most human reactions are built upon conditioned responses. For example, when Albert was conditioned to be afraid of animals when the gong was banged on. Albert was conditioned to be afraid of animals.

2. Alberts response to being afraid of animals became generalized when he was afraid of both rabbits, and any white furry object that was put in front of him.

3. Peter was conditioned to not be afraid of rabbits any more by pairing seeing a rabbit with a pleasent experience instead of one that would scare Peter even more.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Role Playing

While watching "Quiet Rage" I felt so surprised that Zimbardo let the guards do such awful things to the prisoners. I thought it was really surprising how the guards lost all sense of what was right and wrong, it was honestly one of the strangest things I have ever seen. It also surprised me that the prisoners did everything the guards asked them with little to no resistance, even though they KNEW they were in a psychological experiment, and that they could leave whenever they wanted - I thought for sure that the prisoners would leave after having their beds taken away, and being forced to go to the bathroom in buckets. I think overall, the experiment put on by Zimbardo was a little too over the top, however the results that he found were quite interesting, I just think that he could have found the same results in a less harmful way.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Personality Quizzes


O - Open -I am pretty open to new ideas and thoughts
C - Concientious - I am neither organized or disorganized, pretty much in the middle.
E - Extraversion - I am a pretty social person, and i like the company of others.
A - Agreeableness - I am not extremeley forgiving, and im not extremeley irratable either.
N - Neuroticisim - I stay extremely calm in tense situations.

TestCafe Quiz

My most prevelant personality is agreeableness, while my least prevelant trait is concientiousness

Jung Quiz

My personality traits go in order as ENTP. This means I am extroverted, intuitive, more of a thinker, and perceiving.